Handling Correction

Being corrected is never easy -- but it can lead to growth and change for the better in every area of our lives. Today we're looking at how Paul guided the church in Ephesus to tune out the false teaching of the culture around them, and tune into sound doctrine based on the truth of God's Word.


1 Timothy 2:11-15

In Ephesus, these women were being targeted with false doctrine by deceptive cultural influencers.

In Ephesus, these women were overstepping into roles that didn't belong to them.

False Teaching #1:  Eve was created before Adam.
Truth: Adam was formed first.  (Genesis 2)

False Teaching #2:  Adam was deceived.
Truth: Adam disobeyed outrightly. (Genesis 3:18)

False Teaching #3: Eve didn't sin.
Truth: Eve was a transgressor. (1 Timothy 2:14)

False Teaching #4: Having kids is a bad thing.
Truth: Having children is a blessing. (1 Timothy 2:15)

3 Responses to Correction
1. Receive It
2. Ignore It
3. Misunderstand It

Avoid Deception
Embrace Correction


1. How would you describe your response when you have been corrected as an adult?
2. Read Hebrews 12:5-11. What does correction display to the disciplined person?
3. What do you think would be the best way to deliver corrections to a peer?
4. Read Gal. 6:1-3. From these verses how would you restore someone?
5. How do you handle difficult places in the bible that are hard to understand?

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